

Thomas Steele-Maley is founder and director of Networked Learning Ecology North America, a mesh of  individuals and learning communities who are in transition to a world of learning without borders. He has spent over eleven years working with young people in and out of the classroom in Alaska, Washington State, and Maine.

Currently Thomas works for a network of individuals, schools and organizations. He designs and delivers participatory design based professional development and designs and facilitates a range of innovative blended learning programs like Global Civ: A New Learning Ecology. He also teaches part time in the Instructional Technology Department COEHD University of Maine.

Thomas has led experiential education programming, developed leadership initiatives, and delivered staff development for national service learning organizations. Since 2006 he has devoted his career to teaching and learning with secondary school aged young people in school settings. His teaching, learning and design based research have focused on planning with students in technology rich, socially relevant learning spaces. He has extensive experience with networked learning, project based learning, ePortfolios, blended learning environments, and mobile learning. His curriculum development is shaped for student collaboration, communication and problem solving for an interdependent world in the twenty-first century. A graduate of University of Puget Sound and University of Maine, Thomas is currently working towards a Ph.D. in education.

Research Interests

Situating networked learning in educational change episodes.

Curriculum Integration

Design based research

Participatory Design

ePortfolio integration K-20

Blended Learning

Social Ecology

Critical Education



Thomas lives in Midcoast Maine with his wife and two young children. He is a runner, avid hiker, backpacker, and boater who has lived and played in the most remote areas of North America over the last eleven years. His deepest inspiration is derived from his family, Universalist Quaker practice, and the individuals and young people he works with who are dedicated to problem solving for our collective human futures.

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