Aggregate, remix, re-purpose and feed forward information
I want to feed forward these amazing talks from Stephen and George. The clarity and focus shown in both are incredible. I would be very interested in others views of these talks and want to encourage you to reply to this post as interested.
Stephen Downes
Specifically I am interested in the theory and practice of free learning that Stephen puts forth and its relationship to the current structures of education in general. Stephens scholarship and rebuttal of instructionism is honest and deeply meaningful. What examples of systemic change in education have you seen on the ground? How do you see connectivist theory and praxis increasing these changes?
George Siemens
CCK11 participants. What are your initial reactions to the following quotes and Tedx Talk by George?
"The purpose of education is to prepare individuals for society, to contribute...." "technology is philosophy, technology is ideology"
"The primary task of education in the future is to collapse its functions, its curriculum, its teaching methods, its very mode of inquiry to the point of connectedness. Why do connections form, what patterns do they leave when they form, what is the ultimate impact of that, how do we foster it, how do we create structures, that permit individuals to not be better corerate citizens, but how do we create that so we have students and learners that leave our class spaces who are better citizens, who are better members of society because to change education is to change society ".
As I think of the confluence inherent in a clustering process in CCK11, I would love to hear different viewpoints on these topics and create more initial connection with participants.
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