EDT 400 started today with an amazing group of participants who I am both excited and honored to work with. Especially welcome, was the rapid (initial) "course systems" mastery that seemed ubiquitous!
There will be issues and questions and as I mentioned in class please ask those questions early and often after some self directed research. Again I am excited to work with all of you, and look forward to Thursday's meeting. Please refer to http://steelemaley.net/category/EDT400/feed/ for the feed of our course blog!
A few points from today:
Get your Wordpress blogs up and running and send your blog URL to me at thomas dot steelemaley at umaine dot edu ! I look forward to receiving these links.
The systems we covered today included the dynamic cloud learning environment "Mahara". Our Mahara instance is called COEHD Portfolios and is found on the home page of the COEHD Moodle! Profile work (Where the shadow "you" might still be) for the week includes a healthy systems experiment and the adding of an icon image. You may find it beinificial to look at the tutorial page for Mahara to help you this week and throughout the semester.
Some inspiration for taking the journey you are embarking on. Why study our topics, why care? What might be the next "change" episode in learning that will shape your professional and personnel future?
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